Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China and International Housing Price Growth

Another first. No study to date has attempted to assess the effect of Chinese buyers on real estate markets globally. There have been several one-country studies but in the paper highlighted today researchers Yuk Ying (Candie) Chang, Hamish D. Anderson and Song Shi from the Massey University of New Zealand and the University of Technology […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Language Commonality and Sell-Side Information Production

Britain and America have been described as countries divided by a common language. How then should we think of China? A country with 17-official language groups that break down into 105-language types; and that’s just official categorizations. Reality is messier. Ruishen Zhang, of the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, wondered if sell-side analysts covering […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Inequality in China – Trends, Drivers and Policy Remedies

We all know the story; but seeing this picture prompted an audible ‘Wow!’ from me nonetheless. This is the good news; the near eradication of poverty in China in just 40-years. History contains no precedent, no nation will ever best this. The bad news though is in this process income inequality increased dramatically and in […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Press Conference on the Conclusion of the 2018 Article IV Consultation with China

The reiteration of a long-held view is often just bigotry or, bigotory’s kissing-cousin, stupidity. However, when analysts modify, or outright change, a position that’s news. This happened last week when an IMF working party consisting of James DANIEL, Mission Chief for China and Assistant Director of the Asia and Pacific Department and Alfred SCHIPKE, Senior […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Does High-Speed Rail Really Promote Economic Growth? Evidence from China’s Yangtze River Delta Region

You’d think the answer was obvious and ‘of course!’; but you’d be wrong. Or, to be more precise, you’d be only partly correct. Connecting one megalopolis to another is surely a net benefit to both. As soon as a plan is announced though the next question is how many stops will there be on that […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Value Co-Creation of Xiaomi in China

Think Xiaomi is just a supplier of cheap smartphones? Think again. Writing in the International Journal of Business and Economic Sciences Applied Research, Hsien-Chih Kuo, Pin Luarn and I-Jen Chen from Farestone Telecommunications and the National Taiwan University Science and Technology explain their study of the Xiaomi ecosystem to try and find out how the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Disguised Corruption: Evidence from Consumer Credit in China

Corruption, by its very nature, is hard to pin down. In the paper highlighted this week though researchers have used privileged access to a big bank’s data [They don’t say but I’d bet its ICBC] and appear to have flushed out a very interesting variety. Sumit Agarwal from Georgetown University, Wenlan Qian  from the National […]


Is The Bloom Off China’s High-Tech Rose?

Preamble Investors who bought shares early in today’s China-tech-darlings have done well. If you were in the right stocks, at the right time, heavily weighted your portfolio in that direction and have taken no profits on the way up, you will now be, minted. Congratulations to the lucky few described above. Most investors, however, were […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Stabilizing China’s Housing Market

The best time to repair a roof is on a sunny day. The paper highlighted today is another in the ‘Working Paper’ series from the IMF and was published in April this year. In it Richard Koss and Xinrui Shi go beyond the tired ohmyGodChinazbuildingtoomuchstuff narrative and take a look at the underlying mechanics of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Intergovernmental Fiscal Reform in China

What’s wrong with this picture? Well, it’s kind of obvious; China isn’t spending enough on social security. In the paper highlighted this week from the IMF, Philippe Wingender explains one of the main problems China has to address is clarify who pays for what in terms of central versus local government? China has perhaps the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Board Directors With Foreign Experience and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence From China

Academics have increasingly had a ‘thing’ for stock price crash risk. My guess is because the event has a nice definition working back to the causes is now easier due to better data than before? So, for example, we now know that younger and/or more confident CEOs lead to stock price crashes. So too do […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Mind the (current account) gap

How to cure trade imbalances? The paper highlighted today is from January this year and penned by Bank of England staffers Mark Joy, Noëmie Lisack, Simon Lloyd, Dennis Reinhardt, Rana Sajedi and Simon Whitaker. It makes an important contribution to the question. They note that trade imbalances have only been a hot topic in recent […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Female Board Chairpersons, Firm Performance, and Corporate Governance: Evidence from China

The paper highlighted this week is a first. It shows, conclusively, when women are given real control in a company they are better managers than men. Prior studies have looked mainly at Western models and tried to describe an arc between women on the board or in a CEO/CFO position and performance. Those studies have […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – ‘Belt and Road’: The ‘China Dream’?

What’s missing from this picture of the broad outline of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)? A significant part of the world whose leadership believe trade is mostly a one-sided deal and in which in any agreement there are ‘winners’ and ‘losers’.  This view, that would shame even the smallest of small town medieval European […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Size and Value in China

In seeking to contrast explanatory variables for stock price movements in the U.S. and China the authors of the paper highlighted this week turn up some extremely valuable perspectives on China stocks for investors. Jianan Lu, Robert F. Strambaugh and Yu Yuan, all affiliated with the Wharton Business School, wanted to see if ground breaking […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – De-Politicization and Innovation: A Study Based on Chinese A-Share Companies

There’s long been a debate about, particularly in developing markets, whether or not political connections help or hinder the development of the corporate sector? On the one hand it’s been established politically connected entities have better access to credit and a generally lower cost of capital. On the other hand its also been found companies […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – What Can Social Media Tell About IPO Performance in China?

Sort of what we intuitively know; the larger the noise around an IPO the better it’s likely to do. What this paper adds is by taking a new approach to quantifying ‘noise’ it can predict more accurately other short and long term trading characteristics. Kun Chen from the Southern University of Science in Shenzhen and […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Credit Booms – Is China Different?

Another IMF Working Paper. I noted last week,  summarizing the one highlighted then, how IMF recommendations on China have a habit of ending up as official domestic policy. So these papers are especially worth paying attention to. In this one, from January this year, IMF staffers Sally Chen and Joon Shik Kang begin by reminding […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Resolving China’s Zombies: Tackling Debt and Raising Productivity

The IMF and China have enjoyed a cozy relationship for some time; the former providing strategic road-maps the latter seem to like following. Papers from the IMF therefore on the subject of China should be read closely because they’re often policy-action harbingers The Working Paper highlighted today was published last November and it’s authorship gives […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper- Do ETFs Increase Volatility?

Itzhak Ben-David of The Ohio State University and NBER, Francesco Franzoni from USI Lugano and the Swiss Finance Institute and Rabih Moussawi from the Villanova University and WRDS, University of Pennsylvania set about the question in a Fisher College of Business working paper last updated in November 2017. By looking at before and after effects […]