Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China U.S. Trade Issues The link will take you to this Sunday’s paper, issued last December 5th, from the Congressional Research Service (Informing the legislative debate since 1914) by Mr. Wayne M. Morrison, Specialist in Asian Trade and Finance. In it Mr. Morrison does a thorough job of reminding readers of the history of America and China’s trading […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Insider Sentiment and Market Returns around the World

Stock markets have been shown to be reliable predictors of future changes in underlying economic activity and there’s no mystery as to why this should be. If you know your company is starting to lose business and job losses, perhaps yours included, lie ahead you might chose to lighten up your equity portfolio. You do […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Technical Analysis Around the World

Today, a paper plus a rant on some pet peeves. [It’s my blog after all. Ho-ho-ho] The human brain was designed to get us safely around the Serengeti, not stock markets. Some of the wisest and most enduring advice for investors then urges us to overcome amygdalas and let prefrontal cortexs do the driving. In recent […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China’s Debt Dilemma – Deleveraging While Generating Growth

I wrote in an earlier post that China’s debt blowout in recent years was a Pig-in-the-Python (in May in fact and the situation would resolve itself in time. In this comprehensive and most recent survey of China’s debt landscape Mr. Yukon Huang, of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the World Bank’s country director for […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Xi Jinping’s Inner Circle – Part 3: Political Proteges from the Provinces

Xi Jinping’s Inner Circle – Part III The author, Mr. Cheng Li, is a director of the John L. Thornton China Center and a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings (he’s also a director of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and focuses on the transformation of political leaders, generational change and technological […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Value Relevance of Environmental, Social and Governance Disclosure

Value Relevance of Environmental, Social and Government Disclosure The paper highlighted this week is a tour de force in terms of both a review of pretty much all (as far as I can tell?) the academic literature to date on how governance affects stock prices and a unique new study on the specifics of ESG […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Deleveraging? What Deleveraging?

Me? I’m feeling OK about life. China continues its relentless ascent. The US, in spite of its chaotic political system, seems to be making progress. Europe (really only two and half sensible economies to begin with and now it seems finally acknowledging this fact) seems to be stable at least and wasn’t that G20 show […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Should we build more large dams? The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development

Should we build more large dams The actual costs of hydropower megaproject development For a short paper (click the link above) this one packs a mighty wallop. The authors, Mr. Atif Asar, Mr. Bent Flyvbjerg, Mr. Alexander Budzier and Mr. Daniel Lunn all from Oxford University, demonstrate empirically what most of us had long suspected. […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Eight Stocks are Enough in China

Institutional investors, for the most part, own too many stocks and individuals own too few. So what’s the right number of stocks for a manager to own and legitimately claim to be truly ‘active’? The authors of this paper put their conclusion right up there in the title when it comes to China. To be […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Corporate Investment and Stock Market Listing: A Puzzle?

Why is it taking so long for a fresh capex cycle to re-engage in the US? In the last couple of years a new database on US private companies has become available from Sageworks Inc. It takes in data from all the major US accounting firms (and many of the smaller regional ones) on their […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Booms and Busts in China’s Stock Market – Estimates Based on Fundamentals

With such a short history I’m suspicious of ‘proofs’ about anything extracted from China stock market data. I’m also reluctant to allow China’s stock markets any degree of Chinese-ness in terms of explaining their long run valuations. Local factors can matter from time to time but ultimately, just as people are people, stocks are stocks […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – When and How To Exit Quantitative Easing?

When and How to Exit Quantitave Easing This is a very math intensive paper (click the link above for the full text) but the plumbing for the argument is less important than the main conclusions. QE works best when it’s applied in size and swiftly. The model developed in this paper by Professor Yi Wen, assistant […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – ‘Deepening Reform’: The Organization and the Emerging Strategy

What the heck’s going on in China? Since the Third Plenum last November it’s been clear something big is underway; but what? In the paper I’m highlighting this week Professor Barry Naughton, the So Kwanlok Chair of Chinese International Affairs at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at the University of California, San […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Rise of Multipolarity, the Reshaping of Order: China in a Brave New World?

With the kind permission of Professor Dr. Gerald Chan 陳智宏 Professor and former Head of Department of Political Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand I’m posting this paper (click the link below for the paper in full) that discusses the new world order. This is the one where China is a reluctant perhaps but nonetheless […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Is Tibet Entitled to Self Determination

Last week a friend highlighted an article that appeared originally in ‘The Hindu’ on August 25th beneath the headline ‘Dalai Lama in talks to return, Chinese official’ ( It seems a group of Indian journalists were recently invited for a tour of Tibet and one at least received the impression that the Dalai Lama (in […]

Sunday Papers

Solid Comment – George Magnus on the anti-corruption campaign and the economy

This went out last month and in it George speculates on some of the fallout from what he concludes is ‘..the most important political campaign in China for 25 years.’ He candidly admits there are ‘Trenchant questions which I can’t answer, and which most people can only speculate about.’ but has a go anyway. He […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Towards Recoupling? Assesing the Impact of a Chinese Hard Landing

The authors of this paper don’t mince words. China can’t escape a hard landing. Why? One of their most compelling arguments is that few before have managed it. The historical precedent of economies that come off a rapid-growth-plateau is for a similiarly rapid adjustment to lower norms; why should China be any different? Assesing the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China Primer

China’s Economic Rise – Congressional Research Service The full title of this piece, published a little over a week ago by the Congressional Research Service (“Informing the legislative debate since 1914”), is ‘China’s Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States’. It’s an excellent high-level summary of where China stands today, and […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Who Thinks What of Whom?

This report, from July this year, is from the Pew Research Center and “..examines global public opinion about the United States, China and the international balance of power.” Pew Attitudes Report July 2014 The full report can be accessed by clicking the link above or if you’re short on time there’s a five page summary […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Golden Dilemma

The Golden Dilemma This paper (click the above link) is from the Financial Analysts Journal, July/August 2013 edition. In it the authors Mr. Claude B Erb and Mr. Campbell R. Harvey investigate six of the most commonly cited reasons for owning the yellow metal and conclude only one, an argument about under-ownership, may have some […]