Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – [Can] Skilled Analysts Decrease the Stock Price Crash Risk? –Evidence from Listed Firms in China

The value of stock-analysts has often been questioned (not much by themselves of course!). Some work has found they have a beneficial effect as guardians of corporate governance, but other literature notes they can collude with companies and increase market risk by trend following and over-hyping fundamentally shabby propositions. Recognizing the absence of value in […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Old Boys’ Club and Board Gender Diversity: Evidence from the Anti-Corruption Campaign in China

Corporate Board gender diversity is a hot topic globally. There seems no reliable consensus though as to what causes the imbalance in the first case. Some studies have noted that golfers and smokers, activities that less women than men seem drawn to, get promoted by bosses who they share time with in these activities. Could […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The BRICS as an Alternative Anchor for Global Economic Governance: A Comment

Dan Ciuriak, of Ciuriak Consulting and a three-decade veteran of the Canadian civil service, takes apart the notion of BRICS (+ friends) emerging as a alternate to the Global North in the paper highlighted today. First, he unpacks the convergence myth. He notes that in the 1980s ‘developed’ countries were about 25% of the world’s […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Prisoner of Victimhood: China’s Costly Reunification

A interesting take on why it wouldn’t suit China to initiate hostilities against Taiwan (of course, in the event of a declaration of independence by the Taipei government all bets would be off). In the short monograph highlighted today Aaron J. Chan of the Australian National University writing in the Princeton Journal of East Asian […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Cash in the Darkness

Only an academic could write “ is favored by criminals because of its real-time clearing of transactions..”, but we know what they mean. Haohan Ren of the School of Management at the Fudan University (et al.) examined a dataset of 165m bank cards used in 222-cities in China to see if late night activity would […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Does Foreign Experience Matter for Analysts’ Forecasting Performance?

Yangyang Chen (et al.) of the City University in Hong Kong – Department of Accountancy, wondered if financial analysts with overseas experience did a better job of forecasting than stay at home peers? China’s a good place to study this as there are more than a few analysts who’ve been overseas (to study or work) […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Neoclassical Growth of China

China’s development path, so far, neatly fits the established track records of Korea, Japan and Taiwan. This isn’t a new observation, but in the paper highlighted today from Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, Lee Ohanian and Wen Yao of the University of Pennsylvania, UCLA and Tsinghua Universities respectively, the researchers have boiled causality down to its most essential […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China’s 40 Years Demographic Dividend and Labor Supply: The Quantity Myth

Everybody knows China’s been able to become the workshop of the world because it’s harvested a massive ‘Demographic Dividend’. Right? Xin Meng, from the Australian National University writing in a Discussion Paper for the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, after taking a closer look at the data, begs to differ. As the work shows, an […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – High-Speed Rail in Shrinking Cities: A Weapon for Downturn or a Catalyst for Change

It’s no secret, one of the most challenging areas for future development in China is the Northeast or ‘Dongbei’ area. This former industrial region is a poster-child for post-industrial decay, and the population movement out of the area in recent years is a matter of public record. What a great place then to study the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Naval Balance Between the United States and the People’s Republic of China: A Note

First, a look at the bald comparison: Scaremongering reports have focused on the headline number of total vessels where China appears to knock the U.S. into a cocked hat. However, as the author of today’s analysis (not really an academic paper, mea culpa) Nader Elhefnawy from the Miami-Dade Community College explains, this is a misleading […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Building Tall, Falling Short: An Empirical Assessment of Chinese Skyscrapers

China has built 1,575 buildings with a height in excess of 100-meters (hereafter ‘skyscrapers’) since the year 2000. This makes the country (by far) the leader in terms of construction, and therefore a great place to analyze the benefits of these types of development. Jin Wang (et al.) of the Hong Kong University of Science […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Destructive Isolationism: Tallying the Cost of America’s Trade Policy and Suggestions for Repair and Reform

The author of today’s paper [Technically, more of a monograph] Dan Ciuriak has an axe, clearly. But he presents his argument well and given his many years at the coal-face of international economic policy making is worth taking the time to consider. He pulls no punches, “Starting with the Trump Administration and continuing under the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Social Organizations and Political Institutions: Why China and Europe Diverged

The literature on how, and why, China and Europe developed different social and political organizations is large; but, to summarize in the smallest of nutshells, the big theme is centralization in China and fragmentation in Europe. The paper today, from Joel Mokyr of the Northwestern University and Guido Tabellini of the Bocconi University, Milan follows […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Impact of High-Pressure Political Reforms on State-Owned Enterprises:  Evidence from China

State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are not just a China phenomenon. According to the paper in focus this week, from researchers Sung C. Bae (Bowling Green State University), Taek Ho Kwon and Chenyang Liu (both from Chungnam National University), they account for up to 22% of global market capitalization* and 50% of total global GDP. [*Of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Financial Reporting and Disclosure Practices in China

Many will be familiar with points touched on in this paper. It may be the first though to take a comparative approach of norms in the U.S. and compare those habits, point by point, with what happens in China today*. [*Actually the China surveys were conducted in 2017 and 2020 but little will have changed […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Can ChatGPT Forecast Stock Price Movements? Return Predictability and Large Language Models

A lot that’s questionable about the analysis in the paper highlighted today is visible in the chart below. Before I come back to that let me summarize work from Alejandro Lopez-Lira and Yue Hua Tang, both of the University of Florids, which is the subject of this week’s paper. Quantie-folk, for years, have employed models […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Wealth Destruction on a Massive Scale for Investors? The Wedge between Security and Investor Returns in an Emerging Market

Why don’t I buy IPOs (and you shouldn’t either)? In the case of China stocks it’s because they’re nearly always overpriced and more often than not pre-IPO earnings have been manipulated to assist the over pricing. These are now established facts, not opinions. The paper today, from Ziyi Chen of the Hong Kong University of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Minority Shareholder Activism and Corporate Dividend Policy: Evidence from China

Minority Shareholder Activism (MSA) is all the rage. Fans claim it’s making a difference in Japan and no self-respecting institutional manager can make a pitch now without a few paragraphs devoted to the subject. The paper highlighted this week is therefore of interest in this context. In the work Han Han and Zhibin Wang of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Operating Loss Subsidies for High-Speed Railway in China: Game Relationships between the Government and China Railway Cooperation*

[*I think the authors mean China Railway Corporation which changed it’s name to simply China Rail in 2019 CRC reorganization. Perhaps I’m just being a little anorak-and-cheese-sandwich-tastic keen? The paper is a preprint though and not yet peer reviewed so I presume this ambiguity will be fixed in the final version.] China’s High Speed Rail […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Clearing the Way to Renminbi Domination: CIPS, Antitrust, and Currency Competition

Felix Chang of the University of Cincinnati College of Law; Ohio State University (OSU) – Michael E. Moritz College of Law wants discussion on the greater international use of the Rmb to stop conflating CHIPS, SWIFT and CIPS. They are very different things and, to remind: CHIPS or the Clearing House Interbank Payments System is […]