Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China’s Entry into the WTO-A Mistake for the United States?

A timely piece in the context of the discussion in the U.S. about rolling back the previous administration’s China tariffs. Jennifer Hillman, a senior fellow for trade and international political economy at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and a professor at the Georgetown University Law Center, provides useful context on where China-U.S. trade relations […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Russia-Ukraine War and Systemic Risk: Who is Taking the Heat?

Unusually I’m not going to recommend a full read of the paper highlighted today from Anum Qureshi (et al.) of the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Pakistan. Partly because its a bit of a jumble and partly because the output from this kind of analysis, given how little data there is to plug […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China’s Declining Business Dynamism

In an IMF Working Paper from February this year staffers Diego A. Cerdeiro and Ciane Ruane took a closer look at China’s flagging business dynamism. That this has occurred is in no doubt as the chart of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) from their study period, 2003~2018, shows. Here’s a summary of their detailed findings: The […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Economic Policy Uncertainty and IPO Underpricing: Evidence From China

I have a simple rule for IPOs, Hong Kong ones at least; leave well alone. Their popularity is, in part, based on data and historical experience from more ‘grown-up’ markets in which they’ve been shown to be subject to habitual under-pricing (they’re rarely, if ever, under-priced in HK for reasons I won’t go into here). […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China’s Approach to Central Bank Digital Currency

If you know nothing about China’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) initiatives the paper highlighted today may help you get up to speed. Heng Wang, of the University of New South Wales – Faculty of Law has drawn together an impressive check-list of work to-date, scholarly articles, broker research and etcetera which covers many of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Religion and the Great Divergence of East and West: The Persistent Effects of Networks of Church and State in the Economic History of China and Europe

The paper highlighted today, from Hilton L. Root of the George Mason University is not an easy read, which makes it especially hard to summarize; but I’ll try… In short, it goes back to the earliest formation of Chinese and Western societies and suggests the Christian Church in the West and the Confucian top-down family-oriented […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Stealth Erosion of Dollar Dominance: Active Diversifiers and the Rise of Nontraditional Reserve Currencies

In a Working Paper from the IMF researchers Serkan Arslanalp, Barry J. Eichengreen and Chima Simpson-Bell take a look at the U.S.-Dollar (U$) this century in terms of its use as a reserve currency. Lets start with one of the few things that’s crystal clear: The share of U$ being held by the world’s central […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Weather Variations, Climate Change, and Demand for in-theater Movie Recreations: Evidence from High-Frequency Movie-Viewing Data in China

I think the researchers (Chen Xi from the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, et al.) may be taking themselves a little too seriously with this paper that draws a line between climate change and future movie attendance in China (and by implication elsewhere). There’s a useful point though in terms of how weather […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – High-Speed Rail Network and Corporate Cash Holdings

I’ve flagged work before that highlights some of the dis-benefits for towns connected to China’s High Speed Rail (HSR) network and the paper today is in a similar vein. Yao Ge (et. al.) from the School of Management of the Xiamen University has taken a look at how an HSR connection affects firms near and […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Why Do Incumbents Fund Startups? A Study of the Antecedents of Corporate Venture Capital in China

Gary Dushnitsky and Lei Yu from the London Business School and the Sun Yat-sen University in Shenzhen had to crunch five separate databases together in order to extract an answer to the question ‘What drives corporate venture capital (CVC) decisions in China?’ This has never been done before and the resulting answer will be a […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Is Value Strategy Still Alive? Evidence from the Chinese A-Share Market

Investors in Chinese growth stocks have been keelhauled over the last 18-months, especially in those U.S. listed China shares they were persuaded were facsimiles of companies they were already familiar with (does this sound familiar? It’s the so-and-so of China, and etcetera). Let’s not dwell on that foolishness. On then to the next foolishness. Or […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Board Gender Diversity and Dividend Policy in Chinese Listed Firms

The paper highlighted today is a neat companion to last week’s on the subject of how high status women on company boards in China led to better corporate governance (CG) and less corporate shenanigans. This weeks offering, from Qurat Ul Ain of the Xi’an Jiaotong University (et al.), takes a look at another key indicator […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Informal Gender-Based Status Hierarchy and Corporate Misconduct

Analysis of the effectiveness of women on company boards remains a tangled mess. Some studies show they make no difference to financial outcomes whilst others point out the problems of ‘tokenism’ rendering analysis a flawed proposition from the get go. Researchers of the paper highlighted today wanted to narrow the focus of inquiry to the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Artificial Intelligence with American Values and Chinese Characteristics: A Comparative Analysis of American and Chinese Governmental AI Policies

The paper highlighted today from Emmie Hine of the University of Oxford – Oxford Internet Institute and Luciano Floridi of the University of Oxford – Oxford Internet Institute; University of Bologna- Department of Legal Studies, attempts a dissection of policy papers from both China and the U.S. on AI to isolate differences in emphasis and […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The IMF China Country Report

The latest IMF China Country Report was published on February 4th (the full 84-pager is here IMF China Country Report 220204) and was a generally upbeat summary. It took a closer look at six topics and below I’ve extracted what I think are the key points from each. In the order in which the topics […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – ESG and Investing in China and the United States

What do Milton Friedman and Xi JinPing have in common? They agree that the job of regulating society, for good of course, is something for governments not corporations to busy themselves with. Milton Friedman elaborated on this in the 1970s (see link below) pointing out that if firms concern themselves with social good at the […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Has Digital Life Improved Residents’ Happiness? — Evidence from China

Social scientists disagree about the relationship between material prosperity and ‘happiness’. It’s an especially lively debate in China where material well being has been on such a persistent upward trajectory. Taking just the prosperity-marker of ‘digital life’ as a specific variable Xiaoqian Zeng from the Jinan University and Fan Zeng of the Shanghai University of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Corporate Social Responsibility and Short-Selling: Evidence from China

Lei Gao (et al.) from the George Mason University (Virginia, USA) took a sample of domestically listed Chinese stocks from 2010~2018 and wanted to see if there was a reliable relationship between short-selling activity and their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) credentials? As this is a summary and you can read the work in full here […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Economic Returns of Siesta: Evidence from China

Post-lunch napping is still big in China. In a study, 94% of college students interviewed confirmed the habit. It wasn’t uncommon in the West but has now all but died out. Even in Western countries famous for the practice its not as common as it once was; but is it a bad thing? The answer […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Extrapolation in China’s Stock Market: Returns, Price Crash Risk and Price Informativeness

Finance theory assumes investors buy stocks after considering their return potential, which makes sense. In reality they do anything but. In fact, one of the most common reasons for stock purchase, especially among retail investors, is a look back at where a stock’s price has come from. Using a unique database, the EastMoney GUBA forum […]