Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Beyond the Global Giant: Comparing Chatgpt and Three Chinese Large Language Models in Predicting Stock Returns from News Headlines

There’s a lot to query in the analysis highlighted in the note reviewed today, but I’ll come to that later. First the fun part. Lisheng Yu (et al.) from the Sun Yat Sen University – School of Business wanted to know if Chinese Large Language Models (LLMs) were better at predicting stock price movement based […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Misunderstanding America: A Journey Through Trade Economics with a Broken Compass

Mr. Dan Ciuriak, an economist formerly with the Canadian government now writing for his eponymous consulting firm takes a closer look at where the ‘free trade is a bad thing’ notion has come from in the U.S. In so doing he goes to the root of the misunderstanding (free trade is, mostly, not a bad […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – U.S. Imports from China Have Fallen by Less Than U.S. Data Indicate

Since the first Trump tariffs were introduced against China America’s trade deficit has increased, both with China (depending on how you clock the data) and many other partners. However, the way America calculates the numbers shows a win in terms of a falling deficit with China. Whether the trade deficit with China has risen, or […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – China’s Global Currency: Re-pegging the Hong Kong Dollar

Andrew J. Sinclair of the California Institute of Technology believes “ the Hong Kong dollar to the renminbi is an inevitability.” He develops his argument from what he sees as a natural arc of progress in President Xi Jin Ping’s quest for National Security and the increasing use of the renminbi as a settlement currency. […]


The China Rambler – February 2025 Wrap

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Asset Pricing, Cross-Border Capital Flows, and Return Forecasting: Evidence from the China Southbound Funds

Tian Ding at the School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (et al.) wondered if an analysis of southbound (i.e. China money into Hong Kong stocks) fund flow via the stock connect program had predictive ability? Northbound flows have been extensively studied to see how ‘smart money’ affects stock prices in […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – When Hiding Hurts: How Stealth Use of Generative AI Resources Impairs Task Performance

The paper looked over today from Peikai Li (et al.) from the Leeds University Business School introduces the concept of SUGAR or Stealth Use [At work] of Generative AI Resources. For a number of reasons employees (and not a few academics it’s also noted!) are using generative AI stealthily. It may be they fear jobs […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The HIPC Initiative and China’s Emergence as a Lender: post hoc or propter hoc?

From about 1996 the world’s largest lenders to poor countries realized forgiveness was the only way out. So they put together an initiative called the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) plan. In short they ruled off existing obligations and made new help conditional on reforms. Of 39-HIPC countries 37 made the cut and debt levels […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Spillovers from Large Emerging Economies: How Dominant Is China?

In the last 20-years G20 EMs have rocketed and become a much bigger component of the global economic dynamic. To remind, they are: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey. None though has been more influential or become more important than China and the paper highlighted today, a Working […]


The China Rambler – January Wrap

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Cognitive Benefit of a Window View

Xuan Li from the Boston University and Xiang Zhou from Hunan’s Xiangtan University take a look at the benefits of a window seat for test takers in China’s notoriously brutal college entrance exam(s). Using data from the 2019 cycle they looked at a sample of 3,700 students, and the results are astonishing. A window seat […]


The China Rambler – Harbin

Some notes from a trip last week to the capital of China’s Heilongjiang Province, Harbin.

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – TikTok and the Control over the Means of Production in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Leo Yu, Associate Clinical Professor of Legal Writing, Research and Advocacy at the Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law has produced a useful monograph not a paper, but I thought its contents sufficiently topical to highlight in light of the noise around TikTok. He argues that the front-and-center problem with TikTok is? It’s Chinese, […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – “The Well-Being Inflection Point”: Financial Literacy and Residents’Subjective Well-Being

“The happiness of China’s residents is still at a relatively low level compared with the rest of the world. According to the World Happiness Report,..” note the research team in the paper highlighted today. Raising ‘happiness’ must then be a goal for a government that wants to maintain legitimacy and do the right thing by […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Gender Diversity in the Top Management Team and Corporate Innovation: Evidence from China

Researchers Liya Wang and Hideo Owan from Japan’s Waseda University have found a relationship in China between gender diversity in firm’s top management teams (TMT) and corporate innovation. Having established the relationship they move on to consider the mechanism producing this effect. It’s been proven beyond doubt [This is my aside not part of the […]


The China Rambler – December Wrap

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Global Stock Markets in 2024 – In Pictures

In reverse order of performance here are summary charts for the world’s major stock markets in 2024. The winner will be no surprise, the close runner-up however may be: The charts show bald index performance taking no account of dividends. It could be, given that many HSCEI components pay significant dividends and many NASDAQ components […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Artificial Intelligence “Law(s)” in China: Retrospect and Prospect

The purpose of the paper looked at today is to explain where China’s AI legislative framework has come from and, of more interest, where it’s heading. The single most important point of the work is this: we’re going to hear more from China in future as a global industry regulator, standard setter and architect of […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Deglobalization as an Opportunity for the Hinterland: Evidence from the Us-China Trade War

Here’s the key point from the piece looked over today; “..the US-China trade war may not be a turning point in the process of globalization but rather an opportunity for the reorganization of economic activities, both within and between countries.” Researchers Fanghua Li, Liyuan Wang and Li Zhang from the University of New South Wales, […]

Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Rise of US Economic Sanctions on China: Analysis of a New PIIE Dataset

The Peterson Institute for International Economics has crafted a document they hope will inform the incoming Trump administration about the future use of ‘sanctions’. To highlight the often useless nature of these, of all the examples they could have chosen they went with one especially pertinent to readers of this note involving Hong Kong’s former […]