Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – The Relation Between Intelligence and Religiosity: A Meta-Analysis and Some Proposed Explanations

It’s been widely reported that large numbers of ‘evangelical’ Christians in the U.S. are supporters of a racist, misogynistic, self aggrandizing, bully running for the Republican Party’s nomination as their Presidential candidate.

How do we explain this apparent conundrum? I wondered, as I’m sure many do, so started some digging…

Studies going back as far as 1928 have established ‘..a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity.’ according to the authors of the meta-study (that’s a study of studies) highlighted this week.

In this drill through of 63-separate studies Miron Zuckerman, Jordan Silberman, and Judith A. Hall from the universities of Rochester and Northeastern in the U.S. conclude the negative relation between intelligence (however you set about measuring it) and religiosity is clear and proven beyond doubt. What is left unclear is the strength of the relationship; that seems to vary.

They admit they can’t prove why this relationship exists but posit three possible explanations.

First; it may be intelligent folk are less likely to conform and are thus more likely to reject or critically analyze religious dogma?

Second; one of the definitions of intelligence is an ability analyze critically and where necessary progress analysis to un-intuitive conclusion. Perhaps the intuitive nature of much religious belief is anathema to smarts?

Finally; religion offers a number of benefits that clever folk may not need. Such as? Compensatory control, self regulation, self enhancement (really smart people, I note, rarely need help here) and secure attachment i.e. a shoulder to cry on.

They draw a useful distinction between religious belief and religious behavior observing the latter may be influenced by social factors (who doesn’t like getting together with friends for some good tunes now and then?) and therefore not a reliable indicator of belief.

A particularly apposite subject for this day of the week I thought? You can read the paper in full via this link Intelligence and Religiosity

Happy Sunday.
