Assisted by collaborators at the Jiaotong University in China Danling Jian of the Stony Brook University in New York tried to fix a bead on the relationship between firm value and where a company’s center of operations are located.
I found fault with the analysis based mainly on sample size (1,083 firms in 35-cities using data from 2001~2018) but the line of inquiry is an intriguing one and produces some interesting results.
The table here shows firm value by city with Shanghai (a very telling choice!) as the base. Almost nobody does better than the ‘Big-S’ you’ll notice.

The conclusion for China’s bright youngsters looking to make their way in the world and investors seeking consistently higher valuations alike (in the context of mainland China) is ‘Go East!’
If you need the full womble you’ll find it via this link Good Vibrations. I couldn’t also help noticing a certain major city in southern China, home to most of its international capital markets activity, seems also to be absent the research? Er, not part of China then? Just saying. 🙂
Happy Sunday.