Sunday Papers

The Sunday Paper – Who Thinks What of Whom?

This report, from July this year, is from the Pew Research Center and “..examines global public opinion about the United States, China and the international balance of power.”

Pew Attitudes Report July 2014

The full report can be accessed by clicking the link above or if you’re short on time there’s a five page summary they compiled to coincide with the original publication at

Chapter 1 looks at America’s world image and concludes, perhaps a little less so than before, America is still broadly liked and admired around the world. Chapter 2 deals with China’s global image and Chapter 4 looks at how Asians view each other.

No surprise that Japanese, Vietnamese and Filipinos have a negative view of China but interesting to note the majority of Europeans, 60% in fact, believe China will replace the US as the global superpower (although Italians seem especially  poorly disposed to China (?)).

Also worth noting how attitudes have changed over time. In 2008 only 19% of all respondents saw China as the world’s leading economy, today 31% believe this to be the case.

An interesting read for a quiet afternoon.

Happy Sunday
